Assistance in reconstruction and maintenance of the training greenhouse at 1 high school is needed in Aktobe city.
Prosperous people are always close to you in great deeds!
Dear graduates and not indifferent!
Schoolchildren-enthsiasts invite to participate in action with the logo "Preserve the world around us... Plant a greenhouse!" Only together with you we can perair the greenhouse so that it could cheer us and developed love to nature and labour in children! It' s up to us!
The information about the greenhouse
State Institution «High school-lyceum №1 of Aktobe city»
Project initiator: SI "The department of Education of Aktobe city"
Power (area): 69.8 m2
Total project cost: about 19 mln. tg.
Output : will be known after the reconstruction
Structure of the project financing: private investment
Location of the facility: Grishin Str. 72/3;
To assist call: Mukhanova Zhezdygul Ismagulovna (director)
tel./fax: 8 (7132) 517970
mob: 87016183941